Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Background - Ambiente

Scrigno - Coffer


Womb Sound

Nicole | Space

Conchiglia - Shell

Vittoria - Memories

Agostino Arrivabene Painting

Argenide - Background

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Body - Corpo

Sedie Vuote -photo- Empty Chairs

Marco - Memories

Disegno su tavole - drawing on wood


Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Tools - Strumenti

Orecchino - Earring

Objet Trouvé

Copricapo 1920s - Hat

Giuseppe - Time

Finestra -photo- Window

Angelica - Tools


Annalisa - Background - Tools

Anello - Ring

Mattia - Body

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Secrets - Segreti

Orecchini - Earrings


Wrestling Poster

Elisa - Secrets

Berretto da Baseball - Baseball Cap


Drawing (Guido Crepax)

Serenella - Secrets

Song - Margot, Nitro

Serenella - Secrets

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Dreams - Sogni

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Memories - Ricordi

Vestito Egiziano- Dress from Egypt


Uomo Comune - Ordinary Man

Ludovica - Tools

52-Hz, a Story

Emanuela - Dreams

Song - The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel

Vittoria - Memories

Legnetti legati - bound sticks


Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Time - Tempo

Plettri - plectrums

Manuel - Dreams

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Action - Azione

Post It

Argenide - Background

Ruota di Skateboard - Skate Wheel

Diego - Body

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Space - Luogo

Disegno di un bambino - Child Drawing

Vittoria - Memories

Piuma - Feather

Giuseppe - Time

Exile on Main Street - Album - Rolling Stones

Manuel - Dreams

Foto di una Strada - Street Photo

Diego - Body

Spilla Vegana - Vegan pin button

Annalisa - Background

Rane Tatuate - Tattooed Frogs

Mattia - Body

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Identity - Identità

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Archetype - Archetipo

Cards Deck NOISE:Cards

Style - Stile